1. You’ve got a game now! But there’s still a lot more you can do with it! Here’s a few ideas to get you started:

    High Scores!

    Keep a list of the names and scores of people who’ve gotten high scores in the game! You’ll need to use the ask block to the get their name.

    New Powerups!

    Try adding some new powerups. For example:

    • Immunity to enemies
    • More lives
    • Bigger player character
    • Smaller player character

    Scrolling Levels!

    Can you figure out how to make the levels scroll along, so the player character can move through them from left to right? Or at least look like that’s what’s happening?

    Completing Levels!

    Right now, the levels never end. What if, instead of pushing a button, you needed a certain number of points to get to the next level?

    Play With Physics!

    Try changing some of the values in the physics engine, like the gravity, jump height, x-speed and y-speed. How do they change the game? Can you use them to make powerups?

    More Levels

    Add more levels! Make better art! By using the stage background, make the game look cooler while still keeping platforms easy to work with as a coder.

    Sound Effects!

    This game is totally silent right now! Try adding background music and sound effects using the blocks in sound!


    Think of secret bonuses, cheat codes and other “easter eggs” you could hide in the game for players to discover. Try to code some of them!

    Different Characters!

    Let the player pick a character. Make them different in things like size, how high they jump, maybe even how many lives they have and points they get from collectables!

Tell us what you thought!

Go to http://dojo.soy/advanced-scratch-end and let us know if you had fun with these Sushi Cards and what you’d like to see in future!

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