- To turn some text into a link, you put it in between
<a> </a>
tags. It looks like this: <a href="attractions.html">Attractions</a>
- The href attribute tells the browser the address of the page to link to. As with all attributes, the value you give it must go inside quotation marks.
- Go to the index.html file and add the tags to each item on your list of pages, so that it looks like this. Change the text inside the quotation marks so that it exactly matches the names of your new files that you created! Add in a list item with a link for the Homepage as well.
<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="attractions.html">Attractions</a></li>
<li><a href="music.html">Music</a></li>
<li><a href="food.html">Food</a></li>
- Now you can navigate to your new pages! Click Save and then click Run to see your links and try them out.
- Links to other websites look the same. Type in the code for another set of link tags on your page, leaving the href value blank for now.
<a href="">Visit the Wikipedia page</a> to learn more about Ireland!
- Go to a website that you want to link to. Click in the address bar and select all of the text. That's the whole address of the page you're on. Press the Ctrl (or cmd) and C keys together to copy it.

- Note: In Trinket, only links that start with https:// will work. If your link starts with http:// it won't work in Trinket but it will work when you download your project and run the files in a browser (the s stands for secure).
- Now go back to your code. Click in between the quotation marks (make sure you see the cursor flashing there) and paste in the address by pressing Ctrl (or cmd) and V together. Click Run to try out the link!

- Just like the other text, you can make links be any colour you like in the stylesheet. Go to the styles.css file and add the following set of rules. Notice the selector for links is
. Choose any colour you want! Make it a different colour to the other text colours you have used. To see your changes, click Run.a {
color: Brown;