1. So now you've learned about:

    • print statements: Talking to our user
    • variables: A way to get our program to remember and update values
    • strings: Pieces of text
    • input: How to get information from our user
    • maths: How to do maths with a number
    • integers: Numbers for doing maths with
    • if statements: Do something based on a condition
    • while loops: Keep doing something until a condition isn't true
  2. Try using these to make this game:

    • There is a number (an integer), between 1 and 9, that the program picks in secret
    • The player has 5 guesses to pick the number
    • The game teaches the player the rules
    • The player is told after each guess whether the number is lower, higher, or right, and how many guesses they have left
    • If the player gets their guess right, they get a special winning message
    • If the player gets their 5th guess wrong, the game is over and they lose
  3. You can play an example of the game at dojo.soy/py-dice.

  4. You're missing just one thing to be able to write this game: A way to get a random number between 1 and 9. The code to do this is a little beyond what you've covered, so just treat this next bit as a piece of magic. It will be explained in later Sushi Cards. Put this as the first line in your program:

     from random import randint as dice

    Now, anywhere you want to use a random number between 1 and 9, just use dice(1,9). For example:

     secret_number = dice(1,9)
  5. Try to make the game now! Remember to use previous cards. If you're stuck, or when you're done,.you can check my answer at dojo.soy/py-guess. Don't worry if yours looks very different, as long as it works. Good luck!

    What did you think?

    You've finished this series of Sushi Cards. I'd love to know what you thought of them. If you have a few minutes, please let me know at dojo.soy/py-beginner

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