1. This card is just a few ideas on where you could take the project next, if you want to keep working on it. Pick one that interests you and give it a shot with help from your Mentors and research on the internet.
    • Start somewhere else in the Pokédex, say from number 100.
      • How do you need to change the localStorage code to handle this?
    • Speed up increasing the list size—right now every Pokémon is re-loaded to localStorage if you add one. How can you be smarter about that?
    • Right now, the two filters don't work together. So if you filter to “flying” and search for “char” you find all three “char” Pokémon instead of just Charizard, the only one with the “flying” type. Fix that!
    • Add two buttons to sort the Pokémon A–Z and Z–A by name. Maybe add another to re-order them by id number again. You'll need to look up information on writing custom array sorting for this.
    • Let me mark my six favourite (and no more!) Pokémon as my team. Save them, so they're still marked when I re-load the page. You'll need locaStorage for the saving. Look at the Intermediate Sushi Cards for ideas on handling the marking.
    • Try adding more filters, using the JSON viewer from the “What is JSON?” card to pick some interesting values and creating some filters based on them like on the “Filtering Pokémon” card.

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