1. So, your to-do list works now, but it's always the same. You can fix that! The “Add” button already calls a function, you just need to make that function do something. Go to your to-do.js file and change the code in addToDoItem to get the text from the text field (named “new-todo”) and alert it to check you're getting it:

    itemText = document.getElementById("new-todo").value
    alert("Item added: "+itemText)

    Type something into the text field and click the "Add" button. You should see what you typed pop up in an alert.

  2. The next step is to get that text onto the to-do list. You'll need a function that gets the HTML for the new item and adds it to the end of the list. So, change the newToDoItem to have this code inside it:
    var newItem = {
                 "text": itemText,
                 "completed": completed
             } // make parameters into a toDoItem
    toDoItems.push(newItem); //use the push function: put newItem at the end of toDoItems
    var toDoList = document.getElementById("todo")
    var itemHTML = getToDoItemHTML(newItem)
  3. Now, go back to addToDoItem and change it again, removing the alert and calling newToDoItem like this:


    Don't repeat yourself!

    You can also use newToDoItem in loadList to reduce the amount of code you've got to manage. You can replace all the code in the function with this:


    You've gone from 17 lines of code to 3, and that's the power of functions! Try to understand how this works and how it's doing the exact same job as the old version of loadList was.

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