1. If your user wants to empty their to-do list (say they've been playing with it and added a lot of stuff that's not real), you can let them do that. It's pretty easy actually! All you need to do is empty the ordered list in the HTML. To empty the ol in the HTML isn't too tricky. Just add the following code into the end of your emptyList function:
    document.getElementById("todo").innerHTML = ""
    This tells JavaScript to get the to-do list and remove all the HTML inside it. That removes all the <li> tags, which are the to-do items!
  2. Now, what about those crossed-out items? It's going to get very messy if you don't let users clean them up too. They all have the same classcompleted—so you can use that to pick out the items to remove by selecting based on class instead of id. Change clearCompletedToDoItems like this:
    function clearCompletedToDoItems() {
     var items = document.getElementsByClassName("completed")
     for(var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
    This code is slightly tricky, but it's getting an a list of all the HTML elements with the completed class and then using a for loop

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