1. Create a new folder called "Lasers" (make sure its in the "Scripts" folder). Now create three C# scripts: "CreateLasers", "MoveLaser", and "DestoryLaser".

  2. Start with creating a laser. Attach the "CreateLasers" script to the "Lasers" GameObject. Add this code:

     public GameObject laser;
     public GameObject player;
     void Update(){
       if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
         Vector3 createPosition = player.transform.position;
         createPosition.y += 1f;
         // Create a laser clone
         Instantiate(laser, createPosition, transform.rotation); 

    Now, just attach the "Laser" prefab and "Player" GameObject to the script.

    Notice this looks similar to the obstacle that you just created. You've added an if statement so that this block of code only runs when the player left clicks.

    player.transform.location is the center of the player GameObject.

    You don't wan't to create the laser inside of the spaceship so adding 1 to the y value will stop that.

    You might not of seen this operator before pos.y += 1f;. Coders are pretty lazy and using these "shorthand" operators allow us to shorten code. a += b is the same as a = a + b, but notice how much shorter the first one is! Here is a list of the shorthand operators in C#: dojo.soy/C#ShorthandOperators.

    [Note]: You can find other input options here: dojo.soy/Input. If you want, try to allow the player to fire a laser when they press a different button like the spacebar.

  3. Now open the "MoveLaser" script. Above Start() add public Rigidbody rb and public float laserSpeed;. In Start() add rb.velocity = transform.up * laserSpeed;. Drag the script onto the "Laser" prefab . Then just add the laser's Rigidbody to the script and set "laserSpeed" to 20.

    Try out your lasers now!

  4. Lasers make sounds! Lets add a sound to this laser. Click on the laser in the "Prefabs" folder and add an AudioSource component (Component > Audio > Audio Source). From the "Audio" folder drag "LaserSound" into the Audio Clip property in the "Laser" prefab Inspector.

    If you run the game you can test the lasers out!

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