1. Only people have who have Unity can play your game right now. You can build (package your game up) your project so that you can send it to your friends to try out.

  2. When you build your game, you are creating an executable file for the specific system that you choose. That could be PC, Mac, or Linux. Or it could be on a mobile platform! To build a game go (File > Build Settings)

  3. In the Platform menu make sure PC, Mac, Linux Standalone is selected. Make sure the Target Platform is the operating system you're using.

  4. Click Player Settings in the bottom right. This will bring up the Player Settings in the Inspector. Put your nickname (or have fun and make up your own company name) in for the CompanyName and make a game name for the Product Name. You can also set the Default Icon to the "GameIcon".

  5. Click on Resolution and Presentation and uncheck Default is FullScreen.

  6. Back in the Build Settings menu click Build and Run. Save your game as anything you want (we used "UnityIntermediateSushi").

  7. A window should pop-up with some settings. Make sure the resolution is the same as the resolution you used in your standalone Game View in Unity. Also make sure windowed is checked!

  8. Click Play!

  9. All you need is to give your friends the .exe file and the _Data folder and they can play your new game! (Our file and folder were called UnityIntermediateSushi.exe and UnityIntermediateSushi_Data)

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